Dear friends seeking for your dream job, we are back with our list of 10 Tips for a successful interview. Last time we went through:
- Pre interview preparation;
- Careful attention to the job description and context
- Having an appropriate look for the occasion.
We continue our list with the following tip:
4. Be aware of your strengths and weaknesses. Often when HR asks you to share your weak points, they want to assess how much you know about yourself and your areas of improvement. Nevertheless, it might not be a great idea to be “too honest” about your weaknesses and present them on a fatalistic way.
5. Try to be authentic, spontaneous and present your strengths properly. An idea would also be presenting your weaknesses as… strengths in disguise or at least indicate that you are taking measures to remedy the statu quo.
6. Role-playing is a great idea. It may be fun to conduct a mock interview beforehand in preparation of the “big day”. You can do this from the comfort of your apartment with your loved ones or a friend. Then, when the day of the interview comes, you will be surprised at how prepared and focus you will feel.
7. Try to avoid talking too much. Also, be polite, listen to all the interviewer has to say and don’t be a “know it all”. Don’t interrupt the person you are talking to and remember listening is essential if you want to get essential information from your interviewer.
8. Be prepared with answers for those annoying ever-present interview questions. The weird thing is they never grow old and HR will keep asking them over and over again, so come up with good answers for evergreens like, “Where do you find yourself in 5 years from now?” even if you have no clue.
9. However, you need to avoid giving generic answers, silly formulaic responses or talk in proverbs. This is never a good idea.
10. Finally, don’t look desperate and remember: it’s just a job after all. The company are also competing for the unique opportunity of welcoming you on board!