Perfumes ABC – Part 2

Dear friends, here we are back with our Perfumes ABC. We had the chance to talk a bit about the history of fragrances last time, but we did promise we would take the time to analyze the differences between several types of perfumes and maybe also learn a bit about what it means to communicate…

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Perfumes ABC – Part 1

Perfumes ABC is an invitation to delve into the fascinating world of scents, the incentives of what is probably the most subtle of our senses: scent. Perfumes are a very important and discrete, and yet conclusive, way of expressing ourselves.

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What do we wear this summer?

What do we wear this summer?

Needless to say, how we dress speaks volumes about who we are and what we want to project about ourselves. But a study of fashion along the centuries is also a sociological inspection – and a quite keen one at that. But let’s leave philosophical introspection aside for a moment now and focus on a more pressing and…

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