Top 10 inventions you never knew existed – Part 1

People are crazy! There is no mistaking in my mind that the human brain is capable of creating some of the strangest and most useless ideas in a state of blissful inactivity. But while we ponder on the why and how of some of the strangest ideas that ever graced the minds of people and maybe (very briefly) the window shops of a town or another, let’s take a few seconds to laugh at the top 10 inventions you never knew existed.

Granted, the world without most (if not all) of these 10 inventions would have… most probably stayed exactly the same. So here is our top choice list:

10. Wanna hide your propensity towards the bottle under the classy and serious allure of a professional? The flask tie is the perfect opportunity for you. That is right: the flask tie, an invention that consists of an otherwise regular necktie with a flask hidden under its folds – or rather inside of it. The flask is discreet enough and the… device is fitted with a nice and equally nondescript straw. Corporate people who… take to the bottle are the lesser for not having discovered this amazing device!

9. Remaining in the corporate/ office world for a sec, you might also be amazed at the infinite possibilities available for people who want to practice sports (of sorts) at the office. Actually, in recent years, pausing for a while to unwind or play an indoors sport for half an hour has been encouraged as a means of getting people to relax and socialize more. So with this is mind, some inventive people thought of creating a ping pong door. The image is suggestive and the fact that it encourages both single and multi-player is another asset. With the single-player mode, the device functions pretty much like any regular closed door/ half ping pong table. But in the multi-player option, it actually opens and allows competitors to sit on either side of the door/ table!


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